Monday, October 13, 2008

Our Harvest

This year we decided to plant a garden and with sooo much help from my dad it happened! I was in awe every time I would look at the back door and it had grown more!! I was giddy like a child, you would think that I had ever seen anything grow out of the ground before!! Rylee enjoyed too. She loved playing out in the dirt and was even more amazed then I was when she saw the plants. Her favorite thing was to help me pick stuff from the garden! I was in shock two days ago when I looked out the door and the evil frost of Idaho had withered all the huge squash leaves. I was in a mad rush to save anything that had not frozen yet. I am sad to say that my tomatoes took the biggest hit. Luckily my Grandpa Cooper left a little tidbit of knowledge about green tomatoes. He use to pick all the green tomatoes that were on the bush when the frost set in and would layer them in a box down in the fruit room and they would continue to ripen and then the would have tomatoes well into December! Here are the pictures of our Harvest. I stood the biggest squash up and had Rylee stand by it so that you can see the actually size!! Of course Rylee is in the pictures. (if there is a camera Rylee is there!)


Bon said...

That looks fabulous1 I love gardening and already have drawn out a map for next years. I am freaky I know! HA! Great Job Linds!!

The Laing Gang said...

We are jealous! Someday we want to be like you and have a garden. I think I'll need Dad's help too! You will have to tell me all the things that you make out of the squash. I am most jealous about the tomatoes. Garden fresh tomatoes ae my favorite! MMMMM, Yay for Grandpa Cooper! Love you, Heather

Kristin said...

Holy crap!! Those are some big giant veggies!!! Dude, we need to get together and play. Maybe we could do some shopping or something. I really want to get an early start on Christmas this year.

Katie Evans said...

OH MY HECK! That is amazing. I want to be like you. I'll have to take a picrure of my "garden"'s one lonely cherry tomato plant in one lonely pot on our kitchen table. sad.