Sunday, February 15, 2009

Rylee's Surprise!

While we were gone to Alabama Dustin got a huge surprise for Rylee. A Dog! He thought that she would be going through withdraws from being with her cousins 24/7 and would need a companion to keep her company. So he got her a Chihuahua! Rylee went though many names before she settled on Vegas!! Yes, Vegas. It is her favorite place to visit, so we think it is an awesome name. It really fits him. He is a very good dog (for those of you who know me, you know that I am not really a dog fan so for me to say he is good means a lot!)and he is 4 months old this month. Rylee is very good with him. She likes to call him Sweetie! It is so cute. She says it in a voice like she is talking to a baby!! Here are some pictures of Rylee and her new bundle of joy!

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